Worship Arts Academy at First Baptist Lavaca
The Worship Arts Academy at First Baptist Lavaca provides private instruction to students in the musical and creative arts. At the forefront of our focus is training people of all ages how to use the creative arts to worship God.
Statement of Purpose
To equip people to develop and use their creative talents to glorify God in the local church and throughout the communities in which they live
To use the arts as a tool to enhance students’ daily worship and fellowship with the Lord
To build worship leaders
The cost to participate in the Worship Arts Academy at First Baptist Lavaca is $25 per lesson. Prior to the first lesson of each semester, fees for the entire semester will be due. Additional costs for instructional materials and supplies will be necessary, and can be paid to the class instructor when requested. Refunds for missed lessons will not be available.
We currently offer private instruction in voice, piano, acoustic / electric guitar, and drums / percussion. A group (studio) dance class is also available. The carefully selected 1L Academy staff is comprised of experienced Christian musicians and artists from 1L and the surrounding community.
To register and pay for the upcoming semester, please use the form below. For more information, contact Dawayne Stamper at dawayne@firstlavaca.com, or by phone at 479.650.0574.
Registration for spring classes is open now until Friday, January 31st.
The spring semester 2025 will include 10 weeks of classes that begin on February 2nd and conclude on April 13th. There will not be a recital performance at the end of the spring semester; however, our annual recital is scheduled to take place at the conclusion of the fall semester on November 9th.
Lessons will not be given the week of March 23rd in observance of Spring Break.
Exciting News
Worship Arts Academy at First Baptist Lavaca is a registered Education Service Provider under the Arkansas Education Freedom Account program. This means some families may be eligible to have any tuition / fees they pay to the Worship Arts Academy fully reimbursed. For more information, visit this website.